Saturday, May 19, 2007


White Sands National Monument, New Mexico 1996

With the comment from yesterday's White Sands image -- "...are frickin Ansel Adams type photos." -- I thought maybe one more would be appropriate. A techie note: the technical aspects of how I get this sort of result from the all white place is not for everyday shooting. It needs to be reserved for those image that have a limited tonal scale -- no more than 1.5-2 stops from darkest to lightest -- that you want to see as a full scaled print. And, no, it doesn't always work for me (or anyone else), but when it does, it's achieves image with tonal values you can't get any other way.

1 comment:

vespajitsu said...

You met Ansel Adams!! Whoa!
I'm using your photos as my desktop background!
I love B&W photos. I'm looking into the Rebel myself. I put you down as one of my links. I can look at great photos everyday. I was really into photography years ago and I've been getting the itch again. Mostly I take color with a Canon Digital point and shoot, but it's really time to upgrade to a digital SLR!

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