Sunday, June 03, 2007

Arpin, Arkansas 1992

This is the sort of thing I drive back and forth across this country looking. I have no explanation why there is an establishment such as this in Arkansas, but there is. You can't make this stuff up. I getting my mind wrapped around getting out there and finding some more.


Billie Mercer said...

Did you notice that this Human is closed? This is a pretty funny image.

pitchertaker said...

Actually this was a planned image -- I had tried and failed to make an image the previous year, but due to wrong time of day and lots of wind, thunderstorms, etc., that first attempt was pretty much a waste of film. So I made a plan: headed west the next year I would go through the little town early in the morning to see the light, and if that didn't work, I would go back through Arpin on my way back east. This attempt was about 4 p.m. on the way home. I have destroyed all the other negs. It was open, but for sale the first year. I like it better closed.


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