Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's that time of year....days are cooler and shorter, but with an Indian Summer (Native American Summer???) day here and there. Trees are beginning to turn. I picked these off the ground near my house. Just several of the reasons I don't mind living here. Yeah, I'm still a Texan, but when I talk to people in Texas and they are still dealing with heat and humidity....I really don't miss the long, long summer heat of Texas. I miss my friends, I miss the really good Tex-Mex food being available on almost every corner, and I miss the laid-back, easy livin' lifestyle. But I don't miss the heat. In the next six-eight weeks, my world will turn red, orange, and yellow. Then it will get brown, but one day I'll wake up and all that ugly, dead brown will be covered with white. When it's too cold to be outside, I have the warmth of my darkroom. Doesn't get better than that.


Anita Jesse said...

I have been checking in on your blog for a few weeks now and enjoying the posts--the images and your thoughts. (Congratulations on that 40D. It certainly is tempting.) I finally had to comment when you mentioned that you are "still a Texan". I have lived in southern California and the weather is great, but in my heart I will always be a Texan. While seeing part of southern Colorado this southern, my husband and I met more people from Texas than anyplace else. Without exception they were friendly, and delightful. It's great to bump into another displaced Texan.

pitchertaker said...

Thanks Anita, they took me out of Texas, but.... Where are you displaced from? Horses have always been drawn to me -- check the July 21 blog entry. I thought I'd seen you astride a horse on your blog....


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