Saturday, October 20, 2007


Thanks to all those who expressed concern for my daughter, Libbie, and her recovery from the recent smash-up. She only stayed for a couple of hours at the emergency room before being released. She really wasn't hurt. In fact, we stopped by the place to where her car was towed and took pictures (see blog entry for 10/12). Yesterday I drove her to a Nissan dealer and within about an hour she had signed papers to buy another car just like the one that was totaled -- on this one is a 2008 model instead of a 2007. I hope to hell she doesn't decided to update all her cars in this fashion. But the point of this post is about what a nervous parent does in the waiting area of the emergency room. UMass Medical has a brand, spanking, new trama center on their campus in Worcester, and it is about as sterile as they come. Of course, all the necessities are there -- snack machine, cold drink machine, seating, and a flat panel TV. You'll note the placement of the TV -- above the one chair.....mmmmmmm. So this nervous parent took pictures of the place. Yes, as we were leaving the house, I grabbed my camera thinking some documentation might be called for. But after it was reported that she was OK, I calmed my agitated state by putting camera to face.


Anonymous said...

Dad, the funny thing is that I expected that you'd have the camera.

Steve Williams said...

Glad to hear things are going well and that she is well enough to get another Nissan.

I know what you mean about the camera calming nerves. It still is able to calm fear after all these years. Just recently I had to enter a bee apiary with 16 million bees buzzing in a thick brown cloud. As I struggled to move my feet I put the camera up to my face (veiled) and was able to keep walking.

Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks

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