Turnagain Arm, Alaska 6-15-2015
No, not towards home, but rather towards Homer. Sitting at the end of Kenai Peninsula, that's as far as you can drive down that way. After that, you have to board a ferry to points further south. Turnagain Arm has a bore tide, but on this day we were too early -- the tide was in and high. That said, it's still one thrilling drive along the blue waters with mountains to your left and right -- straight up on the road side with only enough room for the highway and the railroad, and straight up out of the waters on the other side.
Homer, Alaska 6-15-2015
I had been photographing the reflections of the light on the waters with my long lens on the Pentax, and had put it away. Just as I was about to open the door to the trailer, I notice this lone woman paddling her surf board up the fjord. This image is from my cell phone because I didn't have time to remount the long lens on the camera before she was too far away. And there is a large industrial pier just out of the image on the left. Still, it very much says what Homer is about.
Homer, Alaska 6-16-2015
Homer is all about boats, old and new. Along the spit is a boat grave yard, and there are all shapes and sizes of vessels scattered about. And piles of floats, too.
Homer, AK 6-17-2015
Boys and dreams of big toys, just couldn't pass this one by. They were there with their grandmother and couldn't resist climbing on the old Cat. Rusty old beast and young boys, I couldn't resist, either.
Your images are telling a fascinating story.
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